50 tips on how to live life to the fullest

Everyone desires to live life to the fullest, but often, we can be caught up in a gray daily routine, which can make us forget and lose sight of our genuine desires and dreams. Obviously, we are all different and, therefore, our aspirations and goals are not the same. Whether you desire to travel the world, build up a successful career or find your soulmate and create a happy family together…whatever your dream is, you deserve to live it’s accomplishment! Today, let’s look at 50 tips and short inspirational quotes on how to live live to the fullest:

1) Be true to yourself. Don’t try to please people.
2) Discover your life’s purpose. To find out what it is, take a sheet of paper and a pen, find 20 minutes of calm time (when nobody will disturb you) and write down a question: “What is my true purpose in life?” Then, start writing down the answers that pop into your head. Write everything you can think of. The answer that will make you cry is “the one”!
3) Be positive. Positivity will make your life a lot easier. See the glass half full, instead of half empty. It will bring you joy and happiness and will help solve problems a lot easier and quicker!
4) Forget the past. Never look back, because this is not the direction your are going to.
5) Take time every week (ideally, every day) to do things that you love. If you love painting, singing, dancing, playing an instrument or running in the park, do it and do it often! It will make your life a lot happier. Doing things that you love will fill your heart with positive energy and enthusiasm.
6) Write down your life’s goals. Be specific. What are your 1, 2, 3 year goals? How do you see yourself in 10 years? Write it all down. It will help you get clear vision of your real desires, so that you will live your life to the fullest.
7) Surprise your loved ones. Be generous. Be a giver. Give your loved ones your time, your smile, your kindness and your help…It will bring joy not only to their world, but also, it will bring happiness and satisfaction to you too.
8) Discover your passion in life and turn it into a career. Doing what you love for a living will make your life more meaningful.
9) Talk positively about all people. Never gossip behind your friend’s back.
10) Fully and completely believe in yourself and in your capacities. Just know that you CAN!
11) Learn to forgive and forget quickly, this way you will free yourself from a heavy burden of bitterness.
12) Let go of “unhealthy” relationships or, in other words, people who are disrespectful or dishonest; these kind of relationships prevent your from growing.
13) Spend more time with your loved ones, with your family and friends; build up relationships with people who inspire you and give you “wings”…
14) Be honest at all times. Be honest with yourself, as well as with others.
15) Do something kind every day.
16) Find true love. (If you are single, of course). Happy and meaningful romantic relationship will bring magic and sparkle into your life. Therefore, when the time is right, fall in love…get married…have kids…
17) Make new friends. Also, find a good, real, faithful best friend; preferably, marry him/her.
18) Write a letter to your future self, seal it and open it up only when the time is right (it can be in 3, 5 or 10 years…). I’ve discovered this funny trick by watching a movie. A woman wrote a letter to her future self when she was only a little girl. Then, when she grew up, she found this letter and read it…it completely changed her entire life! Try it, it might be fun.
18) Free your life from clutter. Throw things that you don’t need (or don’t use any more): declutter your purse, your wardrobe, your kitchen, computer and the whole house. The more stuff you throw away – the more of free space you’ll create for new things that can now enter into your life…
19) Spend more time with children, even if they aren’t yours. Children have really pure, positive energy of life and there is so much stuff we can learn from them…
20) Talk to older people, this way you will discover wisdom.
21) Don’t settle for second best. Don’t settle for a career that you don’t like, don’t settle for partner you are not in love with, don’t settle for a weight you are not comfortable with…You are worthy of the best! Go for it!
22) Always continue to learn new things. Learning doesn’t stop when we get out of university. Continue to learn during your entire life. “Knowledge is power”, someone once said, and this is, absolutely, true!
23) Try new things. If you want to live your life to the fullest, then, stretch your own limits and go out of your comfort zone by trying something new: go on a road trip to another city, try to learn a new language, try different type of food, find a new hobby…do something that you’ve never done before.
24) Surround yourself with inspirational environment. Let your home be your inspiration. Decorate your living room, bedroom and kitchen according to your taste. Surround yourself with environment that will stimulate the birth of new ideas and enthusiasm within your heart…
25) FInd role models, they will motivate and inspire you. If they could get there where you want to be, then you can do it as well…
26) Always give quality. Always give value. Give more than is asked from you.
27) Know what’s important. Get your priorities right. Know your values. It will help you to sail the ship of your life into the right direction.
28) Be present in the moment. Past is gone, future is not yet here…At the end of the day, the only time we have (and will always have) is “present moment”.
29) Take time to laugh and play. Let your inner child have fun! Dance in the rain, sing out loud when nobody is listening, jump of joy! Be free, have fun!
30) Let go of stress and never, ever let worry poison your mind. Learn to relax, breathe deeply, meditate and let go of stress. Have the worry ever brought anything good to anyone?
31) Smile to strangers.
38) Stop judging others.
33) Let attitude of gratitude be yours at all times. It’s easy to start taking things for granted. Stop for a while…close your eyes…and start counting your blessings…you will instantly feel better.
34) Go out to nature to recharge your batteries: admire, appreciate, dive deeply into it’s beauty.
35) Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are only steps that lead you toward the accomplishment of your goals.
36) Don’t try. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
37) Love and respect yourself. It will help you to love and respect others.
38) Take risks. Regret of lost opportunities is more bitter than failure.
39) Take chances.
40) Laugh more.
41) Embrace the change, because change means growth.
42)  See every day as a brand new start, as a clear canvas, where you can paint anything you like.
43) Stop worrying about what other people think about you; what they think is their own business!
44) Be true to who you are, don’t copy, don’t conform. Be the best version of yourself. It’s better to be an original, than a copy!
45) Be proactive, take action when your inner voice (or your intuition) tells you to do so, don’t second-guess, act!
46) Stop complaining. Don’t try to find excuses. Fix your problems instead.
47) Be spontaneous. You don’t need to plan everything.
48) Create a morning ritual to fill your day with positivity. It can be something simple, for example, a cup of morning coffee together with a good song or a dance.
49) Travel more. It will help you live life to the fullest.
50) Exercise.
*Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment’s section below.


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