How to get rid of acne? How do we get rid of them?

Many of you guys are suffering from acne and pimple problems. If you have pimple problems, your foundation/ tinted moisturizer won’t look good on your face. Also, pimples and acne scars can make you feel self-conscious and insecure in public. If you’re wondering, why do we get pimples, and how do we get rid of them?

We’ve all seen the commercials before, the ones that promise a clear skin and quick fix to your acne in a matter of days. Pretty tempting for a teen struggling to keep their skin clear, or an adult who is dealing with the nuisance of acne. 

However, you know that when something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. The reality is that it’s a myth that acne can be cured overnight, or even completely cured at all. Let’s wash away the myths and look at a few different remedies that work and a couple that don’t to help fight your acne and maintain the best skin.

The first tip on how to get rid of acne: you need to know, before trying to remedy your acne, what is the root cause of it. Acne is generally caused by an imbalance of hormones in your body. This imbalance creates an excess of oil and, subsequently, clogging your pores and causing breakouts. That is why acne is very prevalent in teenage years when there are a lot of hormone changes happening. There are also some who say that chocolate and greasy foods can cause acne, but there really isn’t enough research out there to solidly back that up.

How to get rid of acne? Develop a good skin care regimen. Make sure that you are using a gentle cleanser on a daily basis, more specifically, a couple of times a day. But follow the rule “less is more” with this one. If you try to wash your face ten times instead of two, it’s not going to cure your acne any faster. If anything, it could irritate your skin even more and make it worse. A couple of other useful products to use on your skin are products containing Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid. Both products have been proven to help maintain clear skin. Keep in mind that most acne treatments take about 6-8 weeks to become effective, so be patient and don’t give up after a week or two, even if your skin isn’t clearing – the healing takes time.

If after your 6-8 weeks of trying over the counter products haven’t given you much luck, then, the next logical and best step is to head to the Dermatologist. The last thing you want to do is to constantly try to fix this problem yourself, when it isn’t working. This can lead to more scarring than necessary. So, make that appointment with your dermatologist. Once there, they will assess each case individually, based on the severity of your acne. Treatments include everything from antibiotics prescription to reduce swelling to birth control to help balance out hormones. They will work with you to find the best combination of things.

If you want to have clear and beautiful skin, there are certain things you should avoid doing. The biggest of them all is trying to “pop” any of your pimples yourself. The dermatologist has ways of releasing some of these fluids in a much less harsh manner. The only thing you are doing is irritating your skin more than it already is.

Once you’ve gotten your acne under control, you will want to make sure that you do what you can to maintain the skin you’ve worked hard for. So keep up with your regimen and even add aftercare products that are specifically designed for skin that has been through some turmoil. Again, ask your dermatologist to make a prescription and advice you products that are specifically designed to help better the look of your skin when it has minor scarring left from acne problems. Just like with treatments of acne, sometimes these products aren’t enough. If that is the case, you can surgically help fix these scars. Consult with your dermatologist about what is the best for you, but surgical procedures like dermabrasion can be one of possible successful ways to lessen the appearance of scars. This procedure safely removes some layers of the skin to help lessen the harshness of the scars you may have.

Now, armed with the tips on how to get rid of acne, you are ready to put your face forward and confront your acne once and for all. The sooner you act, the sooner you’ll have fresh, clear and beautiful face.


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